Getting and keeping a Brazilian girlfriend involve fitting in with her community and family. Here is what you need to do.

1.) Start Working Out

Physical fitness is a big thing in Brazil. This fact is especially true among the beach-loving Cariocas of Rio de Janeiro.

Brazilians like to be as fit as possible. They walk a lot. Those near the coast go to the beach on a regular basis.

They expect their lovers to have a similar passion for maintaining a nice shape. Anyone who does not attempt to work out is lazy in the opinion of many Brazilians. Keeping a toned body is a sign of duty and responsibility.

Now, all of this should not dissuade those of you who are well out of shape. To Brazilians, it is just as important to try than to succeed. So, at least get out there and seem to want to shed those extra pounds. Your Brazilian lover will appreciate the effort. Anything less would put her in an awkward position of dating a lazy do-nothing.

2.) Learn to Like Soccer and Formula One Racing

Sure, the NBA and NFL are top draws in the USA. In Brazil, these two sports leagues get no respect. Few Brazilians care anything about sports other than soccer and Formula One.

If you have no knowledge of these two sports, you will not have much to talk about with the men in your girlfriend’s family. Getting along with them is extremely important in their male-centered households. If the men in the family like you then all is well.

3.) Learn to Love Eating Meats

One thing about Brazil is that the people love eating. When they do sit to chow down, Brazilians usually have some meat on the plate.

The worst thing you can do is reach for some sauce. The cook, hopefully it is not your girlfriend or her mother, will view this act as a sign of disrespect. Down in Brazil, the people like to taste their meat unencumbered by BBQ sauce or ketchup.

4.) Become a Good Dancer

One thing that is true is that Brazilians take the art of dance seriously. Many of them spend almost an entire year planning to dance their samba moves for Carnival. So, the women expect their lover to be able to show some skills on the dance floor.

It is downright embarrassing when a man cannot take his woman for a twirl. Learning the latest moves can save a relationship.

5.) Accept Her Jealousy

There are a lot of physically attractive women in Brazil. The battle to catch a good man is ultra-competitive. The women can develop a deep-rooted jealousy and suspicion of other females that can be hard to believe.

You need to learn how to let it go. Trying to get her to be nice to your female friends is useless. She will always find a fault in them.

Categories: Dating


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