There are secure online dating sites for wealthy people who need their privacy and confidentiality when seeking appropriately matched dates. The membership of these elite dating websites come to expect a high level of security and reliability in the dating service, and the rules protect both sides of the match up.

  1. Patty Stanger – The Millionaire’s Matchmaker is a businesswoman, celebrity and radio and television personality. Additionally she is a third generation matchmaker, so you can count on her insight when it comes to compatible pairings. Before starting her own agency, Patty was the Director of Marketing for an international dating service named “Great Expectations”. Beginning in 2008, Stanger hosted the Millionaire’s Matchmaker on television. There was a process involving interviews, a mixer, and then a planned master date, at the Millionaire’s Club. The Club has rules and they include no sex until a couple is officially paired-up through the entire process. This Dating Club is rated 9.8/10.
  2. Spark Networks – 30 special interest dating sites that focus on your preferences of dating within your ethnicity, religion, senior age group, and even geographically targeted communities. Some of our largest, most successful online dating communities are ChristianMingle for Christian Singles, JDate for Jewish singles, and SilverSingles for the dating senior population. We consider our various dating website are performing successfully when a majority of dating members find long term relationships, and even marriages, which happens more often than you might think. Our very first specialized dating site, JDate, began in 1997, it has become the top dating site for Jewish singles online. This Dating Network has an average quality rating of 9.7/10 our network of various websites.
  3. & are specialty dating services that cater to the rich and famous. According to Forbes Magazine Online, elite dating sites like these provide a valuable service to wealthy people. The cost is far less for membership than high-end match-makers, who charge their private clients thousands of dollars per match up. These dating sites are exclusive and manage high-profile clients like corporate CEO’s. major sports figures, and celebrities that require confidentiality and privacy. Applicants must be strictly vetted before membership is granted, and if any rules are broken the membership is revoked.

Specialty dating sites have required disclosure rules, the management must be allowed to check and verify all details of every application. If anyone is caught falsifying their information, they’re membership is rejected. Of coarse the rules are stricter for these memberships because they have high-level security and privacy, as well as other services that general dating sites do not require.

When applying for membership, be sure to answer all the questions honestly and provide all the information requested. Once your profile is complete, take some quizzes to help provide more insight into what type of date match you want.


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