Whether it was always one of your dating goals or something that you just fell into, dating a cougar can be a wonderful experience. You’ve found yourself a confident, independent, and strong woman who knows what she wants with men and in life. Insecurities and game-playing are kept to a minimum, and there’s no drama.

With time, you may want to lock down the cougar you’re seeing and transform your bond from that of casual dating to one of exclusivity. If you follow some of these tips and advice, it’s possible for you to do just that.

First of all, it’s important that you don’t become lazy or complacent. Some people get comfortable once they’re in a relationship or close to being in one and so they make less of an effort with their appearance. You may tell yourself that it’s okay to skip the gym because you had a long day at work or wear that same shirt twice because you haven’t had a chance to do the laundry yet this week. However, just like you’re attracted to your future girlfriend in part because of her looks, she feels the same way about you. You could be on the cusp of something amazing. Don’t blow it now.

Just like you shouldn’t become too comfortable with your appearance, don’t let your behavior slip either. While you should always be yourself in any relationship, the cougar you’re dating probably likes the air of maturity that you have and she certainly appreciates your confidence. Don’t start becoming uncertain now that you’re so close to becoming official. Dispel any doubts and do whatever you have to in order to feel good about yourself, whether that’s getting a new haircut, buying a fresh outfit, or working out.

Of course, you want to give her an incentive to want to be with you. Come up with creative and appealing dates regularly. While yes, landing a reservation at that five-star restaurant is a great plan for one evening, consider your cougar’s interests when planning future dates. Maybe take her to a museum, a play, or even a weekend getaway.

Once you and your cougar are in a relationship, or before it happens, don’t deviate from your contact patterns either. Exclusivity does give you the right to contact her with more regularity, but cougars are generally self-sufficient and won’t want to waste time on anyone who comes across as dependent. Maintain your own life and keep calls and text messages at a happy medium. Don’t get in touch too often, but don’t ignore your new girlfriend either. Find a good balance and stick with it.


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